Sunday, 19 October 2014

Crumbling Cookies

Dearly Beloved and I had a great day yesterday. We woke early in the morning with the sun streaming in through the window and the birds singing in the trees outside. We had our usual light continental breakfast at the large kitchen table washed down with a pot of tea and then she went outside to feed the geese and ducks and tend to her small cattery cum rescue home. She doesn't really make any money out of it but she enjoys it. I took the dog for a walk across the fields and didn't see another soul, just me, Bruno and the day. When I came back I went to my office to do my mornings writing which went really well. I always find the view across the valley from my office so inspiring, I never tire of it.

I finally emerged from my office about eleven thirty to the smell of fresh coffee coming from the kitchen and feeling quite pleased with my excellent day's work. The postman had been and brought another royalty cheque, this one for £250,000.I thought back to the days when money used to be an issue and felt quietly relieved that those days had gone forever. I feel quite sorry for Dave our postman because we have a drive that's about a 1/4 of a mile long. It deters the most intrepid of double glazing salesmen or Seventh Day Adventists from bothering, and just in case they don't get the hint, There is a large and particularly ominous 'beware of the dogs' sign with a picture of a spectacularly evil looking beast. Of course Bruno wouldn't hurt a fly but they aren't to know that. We also bought one of those new phones that recognises sales calls, answers it and then pretends it's you while automatically switching to a premium number. In a good month BT owe me money. 

The lads came round in the afternoon so Dearly Beloved went shopping with her best friend. We messed about in my music studio and knocked out a few numbers, recorded some drums and put the finishing touches to last week's track. We don't take it too seriously and it's just a laugh but I must confess to being quietly proud of some of the tracks. Apparently ours sons rang yesterday and spoke to their mother. The middle ones over the moon as the Hot Tub company he started as just made its first Million. No doubt there will be some ribbing between him and the eldest as he made his first million a couple of years ago in IT. We were even graced with a rare call from our youngest in LA.  He says they have renewed his contract in the hit HBO TV series so at least Dearly Beloved will be able to see him on TV each week even if not in person. 

There are several restaurants round our way we go in the evenings when I'm not committed doing local gigs. Last night we went Italian with Dom, Sally, Rachel and Angus, We had a brilliant time and I don't think I have laughed so much for months, in fact I think someone put a complaint in as we were a bit loud but I expect Gio ( Giovani, the owner) would have given them short shrift. 

We were back home by ten and I took Bruno for his evening walk, I love that time of the night when it's quiet, just the stars for company and the fields seem to go on forever and you are the only person alive. Bruno and I went back home, I did my evening routine and went to bed. I fell asleep with the full moon shining in my window and the hoot of owls somewhere in the distance.

I woke up this morning in my own bed in my own house in the middle of a housing estate to overcast skies and pouring rain with the prospect of another day at work before me. None of the above is true and even if I had the money, that's not the way the world works. Unfortunately, that isn't the way the cookie of life crumbles.

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